Steak Spiced Roasted Roots

For something simple yet delicious as a snack or a hearty vegetarian meal, why not try some Steak Spiced Roasted Roots!
All you need is a selection of root vegetables (we used sweet potato, new potatoes, butternut squash and parsnips). Tumble your roots into a large roasting pan and add a glug of olive oil/rapeseed oil or coconut oil (we used coconut). Next, sprinkle on some Nature Kitchen Steak Spice and toss so that the flavour is evenly distributed. Roast in a hot oven (220 Degrees C) for 40-60 minutes. About halfway through the cooking time, we added a nice big handful of cashews to add some extra depth of flavour and texture. Serve in a big sharing dish and sprinkle over some fresh coriander.
We love dunking these roots with a selection of homemade dips. We had yogurt, mint & cucumber dip for freshness and made a delicious dip with Nature Kitchens Ya Salam Spice mixed with thick & creamy mayonnaise.